The Beyond Vault

Redemption of Value from STARC tokens into WAXP!

At the end of every planetcycle, spend STARC to retrieve WAX from the Vault!

At the end of each Season, or Planetcycle, the Beyond will move on to a new planet and the Vault will become available for players to retrieve value from!

Players may spend 100 STARC for a single share of the Vault rewards for that month, and they can buy as many shares as they choose!

48 hours after opening, the Vault will close and it will reward 10% of its WAX holdings to all players who hold shares, divided by how many shares they have obtained for that period!

Holders of the Founders Medal will automatically receive 5 shares per Medal each month!

They must login and claim their free shares during the 48 hour window at the end of each planetcycle to obtain this benefit!

Last updated