Player Politics - Influence

Where does the Beyond go from here? Who gets to decide?

Don't just play the game - influence its direction!

Quarterly Political Positions (3 Seasons/Months)

There are 3 Political positions aboard the Beyond that players will be able run for, giving them a special role for the next 3 seasons!

After a brief 'nomination period' where players can declare themselves eligible by paying the STARC fee and offering a description of themselves and why you should vote for them, all players may cast one vote for each position!

Lobbying - Players may also Lobby for themselves or others by spending STARC to influence the vote of the Non-player citizens aboard the Beyond!

Players who are currently running for a position must spend 3x STARC for each lobbying vote, so its far better to work with other players who can encourage those votes on your behalf!

Chancellor - 10k STARC to apply

The Chancellor is Leader of the Starship: Beyond citizens! This largely symbolic role comes with a long-term perk of being titled as 'Former Chancellor' and being able to set ship wide comments that players can see when in the menu (pending approval of the team)

The Chancellor also gets to "name" the three planets that are discovered during their tenure!

The Navigator is directs the ship to the next 3 planet types! This allows them to select the Primary Trait of the planet in question, while the players still collectively influence the exact planet (see below)

Mission Control - 5K STARC to apply

The Mission Control position allows for the direction of the ship's Quest system - by selecting a ship wide direction, every player's daily Quests for the Beyond are 50% more likely to be the directed mission type

Ship Destination Voting

Choose which planet you want to see the Beyond travel to!

In addition to the quarterly Political Position voting, players will also be able to vote monthly on the destination of the Beyond!

When voting for a planet, players will be able to choose between the Secondary Traits of the planets to influence the gameplay of the coming month!

Players can also use the lobbying system here to spend STARC to influence the vote!

Last updated